Residential Paper Shredding: St. Louis’ Best Option
Identity theft is no longer an exception; it’s an unwanted part of everyday life.
If you haven’t been a victim of it yourself, you likely know someone who has. What most people don’t realize, however, is just how damaging identity theft can be. A thief with your personal information (name, address, Social Security number, insurance and bank account numbers) can:
- Get new credit cards in your name and run up your debt;
- Open phony utility accounts;
- Get medical care;
- Steal your tax refund.
… and much, much more.
And, in most cases, it’s you who will be responsible for the damages caused by the theft of your identity – financial and otherwise.
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to protect your important personal information. One of the most effective is to destroy all papers and other items that contain your personal and medical information.
SDD’s On site Shredding Services for Your Home: Safe, Secure, Affordable
Secure Document Destruction of St. Louis offers the highest quality onsite paper shredding services for individuals so your personal and sensitive information is secure and out of the hands of criminals looking to steal your identity. Here’s how it works:
- At a scheduled time convenient to you, one of SDD’s state-of-the-art mobile shredding trucks comes to your home.
- Our bonded, Information Security Specialist collects your sensitive personal documents and materials and transports them to our truck where they are immediately destroyed on site. You can watch the entire destruction process in real time via our closed-circuit video system.
- Once the destruction process is completed, SDD will provide you a Certificate of Document Destruction for your records.
- All of your destroyed materials are then taken by SDD to a recycling center for processing and disposal.
SDD offers both one-time and regularly-scheduled document shredding services. Whichever option you choose, SDD offers you the most secure process available to destroy and dispose of your important and sensitive personal documents and materials, all at an affordable price.
And residential customers don’t have to go it alone. Get together with members of your homeowner’s association, or just a group of your neighbors, and schedule an SDD single-visit appointment. Click here today for a no-obligation quote.
On site Document Shredding Services: The Only Choice to Ensure Your Sensitive Materials are Destroyed
All SDD shredding and destruction services are performed exclusively on-site. Here’s why:
With offsite shredding, the service provider comes to your residence or place of business, picks up your confidential documents and materials, and transports them to a central facility for destruction. That means your documents will be destroyed out of your sight and at a time convenient to the service provider, not you. Further, between the time your documents are picked up and delivered to their final destination, an offsite service truck may make as many as 25 additional customer stops. That’s 25 more opportunities for your security to be compromised.
SDD’s on site document shredding services for the Home eliminate all of these offsite security issues. A state-of-the-art SDD mobile shredding truck comes to your home or business, where our bonded, uniformed Information Security Specialists shred or destroy your documents in real time, in full view, and within feet of your front door. Your confidence is ensured knowing that all of your confidential materials are destroyed before we leave your premises.
What Documents Should Be Shredded?
When deciding what personal documents should be destroyed, a good rule of thumb is to include anything with an account number, Social Security number, signature, address, phone number, email address, as well as any form of legal or medical record or correspondence. Examples include:
- Account Records and Ledgers
- ATM Receipts
- Bank Statements
- Birth Certificates and Other Copies of Vital Records
- Cancelled and Voided Checks
- Contracts
- Credit Card bills
- Credit Reports
- Expense Reports
- Financial Records
- ID Cards and Badges
- Items with Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers and/or Email Addresses
- Legal Documents and Correspondence
- Maps and Blueprints
- Medical Records and Correspondence
- Pay Receipts
- Purchase Receipts and Invoices
- Tax Records
Specialty Services
Paper documents are not the your only items that need protecting. In addition to paper, SDD offers destruction services for a wide variety of data and electronic media, including:
- CDs and CD ROMs
- Compact Disks
- Computer Hard Drives
- Coupons
- Credit Cards
- DVDs
- Floppy Disks
- Microfilm and Microfiche
- Photographs
- Platters
- Transparencies
- USB Drives
- Video Tapes
- X-rays
SDD always follows strict security and compliance protocols in accordance with all regulatory guidelines (HIPAA, FACTA, GLBA, etc.) as well as NAID AAA Certification requirements.
All hard drives and other electronic media are scanned for serial numbers, which are then matched against your list for reconciliation. The serial number list is incorporated into your Certificate of Destruction. Hard drives are then placed into a secure locked container and transported to our truck for destruction. As with paper document shredding, your hard drives, data, and other media are destroyed on site, ensuring that ALL of your information is unrecoverable.
Certificate of Document Destruction
SDD will issue a Certificate of Document Destruction after your documents and materials have been completely destroyed inside our mobile shredding truck. This Certificate includes:
- Date of destruction;
- Method of destruction;
- Description of disposed documents;
- Name of customer, employee or representative witnessing the destruction process;
- Name of SDD Security Specialist overseeing the on site destruction process; and
- Statement that documents were destroyed as part of the normal course of business.
An SDD Certificate of Document Destruction acts as your proof that your records were destroyed and disposed of in a secure and proper manner.